My family is my community!

As you might have read by the title family-469580_640my family is my community. We might look like each other however if you want to see people who have totally different personalities then in that case welcome to my family. Although we each have one common thing and that is the love for cooking. From pasta to sushi my aunt can cook whatever you want perfectly. My dad  and my mom both make some new recipes that nobody have ever heard of. Then there are my grand-mothers  who if you went to their house will never go out with an empty stomach.

In our community we each have a role.It really depends on our age and our gender. Usually the little ones from 0-5 make us laugh as well as make a lot of noise. From 10-18 us both gender do the dishes on weekends, make the table, sometimes cook, go grocery shopping with our parents as well as  take care of the little one’s when needed. When you are a parent adult you usually cook and do the laundries as well as do the shopping and taking care of the little ones (do this harder then the 10-18 kids). The elderly women usually cooks, do the table, go take the groceries, and if nobody is available to take care of the little one’s then they relay. My grand-fathers are in poor condition and so are unable to do much.

We also have traditions for example every Christmas from our dad’s side we go bowling.This is so much fun as usually it ends up with us all drinking some ice-tea while laughing at the stupidest things. As well as if it snows we might go outside and have a fight. Other times it ends up with us children tumbling down the stairs on our stomach. This is why I love my community!

Here are links to websites where you can read about families:




2 Comments on My family is my community!

  1. johannaisd20
    December 6, 2016 at 2:43 pm (7 years ago)

    Hey Lucie,
    It’s amazing because I also have a community and we are really close.

    • lucieisd20
      December 7, 2016 at 8:48 am (7 years ago)

      Hey Johanna,
      That is nice to hear just like you I like my community.


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