January 2017 archive

Did you know you could use twitter for reaserch?

Twitter Expert Connect

This twitter connect expert consisted of us trying to use our new-fond skills to interact with other people on a particular subject. I chose to connect with people on autism. To do  this I connected with various people these included:

1.@dutcharc she is an Neuropsychologist and is an expert on autism. I chose to follow her because she posted various articles on autism as well as since she is an expert I hoped she could help me with my genius hour project as she seemed interested in autism just like I am. Not only that but she seemed passionate about what she wrote in her twitter posts. I interacted with her by saying that I liked her post that she had shared and she had replied by saying that she was glad I liked it. Since she posted so many  different  articles I asked her what kind of websites she would advice me to check so that I will know more on my area of interest which is autism. To this she responded by giving  me a very interesting websites which gave me a wide range of perspective on autism. This website would help me for my genius hour project as it will help me understand the different feelings that autism brings up to people. Finally we have not communicated since because I had all the answers I needed from her. She also liked numerous of my tweets.

2.@apreshill she is an researcher in autism. I chose to follow her as when looking at her feed I saw  she sometimes shared research on autism. I also saw that she related to my genius hour project as she was interested  I started of by saying that I liked how she posted many things to this I did not get a response. Later on I continued on by sharing one post of hers and I even went on  to ask her what kind of research she did but she did not respond either. I would have liked to see what kind of research she did as it would have helped me to understand autism better as well as I could refer to certain researches in my genius hour project.

3. @dropkea he is a clinical psychologist and he is  interested in autism and just like him I was that is why I decided to follow him. Not only that but he had a relation to my genius hour project as he kept posting different post about the acceptance in autism. I shared two of his posts as well as I said I liked what he shared on autism however I did not get any responses from him. Neither did he follow me back. However I continued on to ask a question hopping that he would answer I told him that I was researching on the misconception on autism and was wondering if he had any advice as to how I can conduct my research. I was hoping that his answer could help me because then I could be able too use his advice when doing my genius hour research. I was unable to get an answer out of him.

4. @AlexaPohl is a researcher on autism at the university of Cambridge. I decided to follow her as she posted a research she did on autism. I found that it was well done and so followed her. Just like her I did was doing a research on autism for my genius hour and so I followed her. I started of by saying I liked the research she did and shared one or two post of hers.  Later on I asked her for some more researches she did. In the hope that these would help me in my genius hour project as I could understand some new discoveries on autism. I ended up nor having no interactions or responses to my tweet.

5. KateEReynolds1 she is a writer on autism. I decided to follow her as she writes about autism and she is a mom of an autistic kid. So she must really be informed on the subject. I started of by thanking her for sharing a post to which she responded by liking my post. Later on I shared a tweet. Finally I asked her if she had any other writing works that I would like to read. To this she sent me a site with her written works. It turned out to be really interesting. I again communicated with her by saying I loved what she wrote and she sent me a message saying she was glad to hear that I liked it.

6. @ChildClinPsych she is an researcher in autism. I decided to follow her as she posted many interesting posts as well as she seemed passionate on what she did. She personally related to my genius hour as she just like me was interested in autism. I first started off by saying I liked one of her posts she had tweeted. Of which she responded by saying that it was very moving. Later on I asked her if she knew the person who wrote the post and did the pictures as well as wrote he article. She responded that she did no know who that person was. I reposted some of her posts before asking her if she had any websites she thought I could use for my research. She advised me two  sites who could help me because they had much information on autism.

7.@bhismadev he is working on autism. I decided to follow him as he always reposted different posts on autism. Also he related with my genius hour project as he posted many things on the misconception on autism. I started of by thanking him for writing a lot on autism. Later on I shared his posts and he liked my thank you. However when I asked  what kind of work he did on autism he did not respond. I  was hoping that by finding out what kind of work he did I would be able to research different jobs that are working around the field of autism.

8. @cathy2079 she is an researcher in autism. I chose to follow her as she seemed very interested in autism as she kept posting different and various post, including some very moving posts. She personally related to my genius hour research because she was an expert in this domain. I communicated with her by first telling her that I was interested in what she had posted and that it revealed something to me. I also reposted a post of hers. Finally I asked her what kind of researches she she conducted. Like all the other people of whom I asked the question too, I was hoping that her researches could be mentioned in my genius hour presentation. As well as I asked this questions many times as like that I would have access to a lot of different researches done recently.

9.@amanda_roestorf she is an expert in Ageing and Psychological Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Just the fact that she was an expert in psychological functioning in autism spectrum disorder made me want to follow her. I wanted to know so much on what her expertise was. She also obviously had relations to my genius hour as she is an expert in what I am researching on: autism. I started by thanking for sharing interesting things. Later on I reposted one of her posts. Finally I asked her what kind of research she did on psychological functioning. I was unable to get any information or interactions with her.

10.@MiltonBroom he teaches and researches about autism. I decided to follow him because since he was a teacher on autism. I came to the conclusion that he must know a lot on it. He also related to my genius hour as he researched on autism just like I did. I thanked him for sharing a post as it will help on doing my research on autism. I then reposted another post of his. He then started following me. Finally I asked him if since he was a teacher if he had any sites that he thought I could use for my research. It would have helped me for my genius hour as I would be able to use them and be sure that they are good quality source. I was unable to get a response on that one.

Overall I think if I were to re-do this I would have made more precise questions as well as all my questions would be different for each person. This twitter expert connect will help me in the future as I can use it for further studies on an area of interests. As I could use the information given to me by the experts n my researches. Finally if I just want to learn something knew I can learn so much from these experts. There is so much information out there so I advice you to go for it!

Here is a site if you want to know what Genius hour is: http://www.geniushour.com/what-is-genius-hour/ Here are as well some interesting articles on autism if just like me you are interested in this subject: https://medlineplus.gov/autismspectrumdisorder.html http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-spectrum-disorders
 Pictures taken: https://pixabay.com/en/light-bulb-idea-consider-know-1002783/ https://pixabay.com/en/autism-ribbon-awareness-disease-1417942/



